The Serial Returner is Back!

Thank you, gorgeousAmazon idiotic seven-day ebook return policy strikes again, but hopefully my personal serial returner has finally bought/copied/returned all the books in all my series. Of course, there will always be a new release and another author to take advantage of…

Despite the bitter aftertaste such cheap practice leaves in its wake, by contrast I was reminded of all the wonderful readers who would never do anything like that. So, thank you! Grazie mille! Muchisimas gracias, to all of you who go above and beyond supporting their favorite authors.

The Serial Returner is Back!

Friday News & Nook Freebies

March is almost gone and I didn’t even realize it wasn’t January anymore. Life and other stuff have happened and I am quite out of track. My next release, Raphael, the first title in The Immortal Youth of Rome, is 80% completed though. Its cover is more or less finished and I’ll share it soon.

Meanwhile, if you haven’t read any of The Immortals and you are in a pinch and want to save some money, download the Nook Reading app and you’ll receive $5. 5CreditFacebook

Friday News & Nook Freebies

Got me a new banner

Therefore, I have to share how awesome it is with you. Plus, there is a giveaway going on at my friend A.K. Michaels’ Facebook page. Deservedly, she just reached 6k likes and she’s in a festive mood. Like her, sample her books, then scroll down to find me and follow her instructions. You could win an ebook of your choice from my entire catalogue.

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Got me a new banner