The Fifth Moon’s Wolf is a Kobo Indie First in Series Reads!

Howdy! Let me brag a little bit–I promise I’ll keep it short 😉 It doesn’t happen often that one of your books is chosen by Kobo for one of their promotions. So you can imagine how stoked I was when I received the email confirming that my novel, the Fifth Moon’s Wolf, was among the titles featured in the Indie First in Series Reads, UK edition. It’s a good day to be an indie author!


here’s a sneak peek

The Fifth Moon’s Wolf is a Kobo Indie First in Series Reads!

Renegade Vampire

After a long hiatus from blogging, I am happy to announce I am back with news about my Immortals. Book #12 in the series, Renegade Vampire is finally out. In the last year and a half, I’ve been so focused on my publishing schedule and advertising that I forgot about popping here for an update. Since my last post, I wrote more than I could publish, I experimented with shared-world projects and collaborations, I spent money on Facebook and Amazon ads… I have learned a thing or two in the process, but the most important lesson is that I need to take it easy. So here I am, hopefully sticking to the resolution.

See you soon,



If you’d like a sneak peek from Renegade Vampire, head here.

Renegade Vampire