Permafreeing The Priest

granturco e mongolfiereEighteen days ago, I put The Priest for free on Smashwords. The title has been downloaded 119 times so far. Amazon hasn’t price matched yet, but the book is available both on Nook and iTunes for free. From what I understood, I am nowhere near the number of downloads other titles seem to gather overnight. Said so, I’ll try to get Amazon on board and see if it makes any difference. If that doesn’t work, I’ll find something else. Meanwhile, I’m writing the next book. And thinking positive thoughts.

Permafreeing The Priest

The Priest is Permafree! Long Live The Priest!

576x768_thepriestSince yesterday, The Priest is available on Smashwords for free. As I explained in previous posts, I am working on widening my readership, and it seems that having a series of three or more books begs for a permafree. I am not sure what to expect exactly from this experiment, since The Ginecean Chronicles are a hard sell to begin with, but if I gain one more reader it would be worth it. At the moment, according to my Smashwords’s page stats, it seems that The Priest was downloaded 34 times. I’ll keep you posted, if anything noteworthy happens. Meanwhile, many happy readings to all of you, and have a fantastic week.

The Priest is Permafree! Long Live The Priest!