Friday Snippet #53

Once Upon a TimeOutside, foggy and cold. Inside, two cups of espresso already consumed and a tea on the way; Painter doesn’t want to work; Artrage requested one more time a registrations key to start; my neck is aching; my patience is dwindling. Plus, I hate complaining.

But, my dad is coming to visit and that makes everything better.

Summary of the week:

One of my didlr paintings, the fairy tale drawing above, was featured on the main didlr page. If nothing else works, that’s plan B through Z—drawing on a touch screen that is.

Gaia’s cover is being made as I write. Elios is in the editor’s hands again. Marie’s Journey’s first edit is done and it is in my court now. I wrote the blurbs for both Gaia and Elios.

I ventured outside in the mist and the rain, and walked every day with Nero while reading three new books.  I think that’s it.

From Marie’s Journey:

Zena didn’t hesitate to answer. “Yes, I was here.” She took one chair by the armrest and went to sit close to the window. “I was in my twenties when the Massacre happened.”

“Did you lose anybody?” Marie asked. This time, she knew she shouldn’t have asked.

But Zena surprised her once more by answering. “I did. We were in love and we were planning on adopting a kid. She was at the wrong place at the wrong time and took a bullet not meant for her.”

Rane, who had been warming some water at the little portable stove, came back carrying three steaming cups by the handles. “The soldiers shot on the crowd?”

The nurse’s mouth thinned and her eyes went dark. “Yes, they did, but the bullet that killed Bianca was mine.”

The nurse’s words left both Rane and Marie speechless.

Zena raised her cup to the ceiling. “Cheers to Ginecea’s fall. If I’m lucky, I’ll still be alive when it happens.”

A few minutes of silence passed, none in the room able to say anything. The nurse finally broke the spell. “I had it easy. You can’t imagine what they did to the heterosexual couples.”

Friday Snippet #53

Procrastinating is an Art

And as such it must be practiced daily to achieve satisfying results. Today, I am stuck on a scene. Elios’s first editing is done, but I need to add a few sentences to explain a minor incongruence in the plot. Therefore, I give you the October 2013 Drawing Collage, followed by the Official Procrastination Stamp. I am sure that, given time, I can come up with something even more dazzling. Meanwhile, you, have a productive rest of the day.

October 2013 Collage

Fantastic Things Stamp

Procrastinating is an Art

Friday Snippet #52

Zucca Karla 2013Autumn is in full bloom in the Pacific Northwest, and everywhere I look is red, orange, and yellow. Some green is left here and there.

Today, I haven’t done a lot in terms of writing and editing, but I went for a two hours walk, and I painted the first pumpkin of the 2013 batch.

Waiting on the cover for Gaia, going through edits with Elios, and halfway through with Marie’s Journey as well. Crossing fingers, I might be able to publish three titles before the year ends.

From Elios:

“I have something to tell you.” I added two of the couches from the dorms to the cafeteria’s furniture and sat on the edge of the closest one to me.

Kam stood by the food counter, ready for seconds. “I’m listening.”

I tried to keep my eyes on his face. “I’m sorry for what I did last time.”

He turned toward me, his right hand in mid-air, palm up. “Well, I would be lying if I told you it didn’t affect me.”

Sweat formed on my forehead. “I know, and I’m truly sorry.”

He was back at the counter. “Why would you refuse a Share?”

I lowered my head and then forced myself to face him. “It’s a long story.”

Kam slowly looked around. “We have all the time in the universe here.”

Right. I opened my mouth to talk, but nothing came out. I cleared my throat twice before I was able to whisper, “I didn’t want to share with you that I have feelings for a human.”

Kam’s loaded tray disappeared from his hands. “What did you say?”

I cleared my voice a third time and then repeated, “I have feelings for a human.”

“You’re serious.” After a moment of hesitation, he went to sit on the coach opposite mine.

I waited a moment to confess the rest. I was feeling dizzy.

Kam’s expression changed. “Are you okay?”


His eyes followed my body from feet to head and then back.

I looked at my hands and gasped. My astral projection was unfocused. It was more a ghost of my Earthly image than a proper solid projection.

Friday Snippet #52

A Ripple in Time is back and with an offer you can’t refuse!

Lovely Sunday, everybody, from the Pacific Northwest. Today, my guest is Julia Hughes, a British author and a dear friend. Julia is one of those rare storytellers who are able to mix different genres in the same novel to create exquisite world building. From sweet romance, to dystopian and alternate realities, time travel, magic, a tad of paranormal, a hint of horror, griffins, sinking ships, and detective stories, she does it all, and exceedingly well.
Now, she has outdone herself. Performing the magic trick of the millennium, Julia Hughes will give the lucky winner of the A Ripple in Time giveaway the most incredible gift: a special edition of A Ripple in Time with the winner’s name in the Titanic’s passengers list!

A Ripple in Time: Synopsis

Celtic Cousin Wren makes a psychic connection with a girl emigrating to America in 1912. Through his eyes, she is able to foresee the fate of the ship taking her across the Atlantic.
Consequently, RMS Titanic steams safely into New York Harbour: an anomaly which creates devastation for future generations. Twenty-first century Britain still has an Empire, and World War One continues to ravage Europe.
Wren must somehow turn back time, and repair history; even if it means sacrificing everything he loves.

From the author, Julia Hughes:

An iconic image of the last century, the Titanic represents hope, ambition and tragedy. It also marks the beginning of the end of an era.  However, “A Ripple in Time” isn’t all about the Titanic. It’s about making unbearable decisions, taking chances and allowing faith, and love to grow.

About this book:

“A Ripple in Time” is a time travel romantic adventure. Protagonist Wren Prenderson was nominated for “Best Hero” in the E-Festival of Words 2013 Awards Hall, and voted by readers into joint second place.
“A Ripple in Time” has been newly re-edited for a smoother reading experience on your ebook reading device.
Available from all good virtual bookstores, including: Nook Books, from Amazon, WH Smith and Smashwords and in paperback from December 10.

WIN! A customised copy of “A Ripple in Time” FREE entry: unique to you, as your name will appear in print as a passenger on board RMS Titanic. Paperback to be released on December 16.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A Ripple in Time is back and with an offer you can’t refuse!

And the Winners of the Off the Beaten Path Giveaway are…

  Off the Beaten Path_front_96 dpi

Grand Prize winner of bound book & $10 Amazon card:  Felicia T.

Triple winners of 2 $5 Amazon cards &“Off the Beaten Path” ebook:  Tanya J.,  Amy H.

Double winner of $5 Amazon card & “Off the Beaten Path” ebook: Teresa E.

Winners of “Off the Beaten Path” ebook:  Tiffany M.,   Seth C.,   Kirsty E.,  Tiffany K.

Winners of $5 Amazon card:   Clare T.,   Jackie B.,  Rose W.

And the Winners of the Off the Beaten Path Giveaway are…

Sharon Sant

Fall is in full swing here in the great Northwest and only two days are left to enter the Off the Beaten Path Giveaway!

Today’s guest is Sharon Sant Author PicSharon Sant, the author of  The Sky Song trilogy, and one of the seven awesome indies who collaborated to Off The Beaten Path: Eight Tales of the Paranormal.

Everything you wanted to know about Sharon:

Sharon Sant was born in Dorset but now lives in Stoke-on-Trent. She graduated from Staffordshire University in 2009 with a degree in English and creative writing. She currently works part time as a freelance editor and continues to write her own stories. An avid reader with eclectic tastes across many genres, when not busy trying in vain to be a domestic goddess, she can often be found lurking in local coffee shops with her head in a book. Sometimes she pretends to be clever but really loves nothing more than watching geeky TV and eating Pringles. She is the author of a string of YA novels including Runners and the Sky Song trilogy.

Her answers to my questions:

1) The first horror book you read was…?

It by Stephen King

2) You discovered you were quite good at writing horror/paranormal/urban fantasy when…?

I’m still not sure that I am! But people seemed to like my first release, Sky Song, and so I’ll go with that.

3) As a reader, your favorite horror book is…?

Anything by Stephen King. I also like gothic spookiness, particularly 19th century stuff like Edgar Allan Poe.

4) What scares you…?

Small spaces – I’m terribly claustrophobic

5) You usually write…?

YA fantasy/paranormal/sci fi

6) What’s next…?

I have a new book just out, The Memory Game, which is a YA paranormal.  Next job is to continue work on the second book of my YA dystopian series, Runners.

You can find out more about how awesome Sharon is on her website or check out her equally awesome Goodreads page.

And remember, for a chance to win Amazon gift cards and books enter the Off the Beaten Path Giveaway

Sharon Sant

Angela Roquet

Happy Saturday, everybody. We are back to our Off the Beaten Path Blog Tour and Giveaway. Today, I am pleased to have on my blog a funny and generous indie author, Angela Roquet. Angela, who writes  urban fantasy and paranormal, is one of the awesome seven  who collaborated to Off the Beaten Path: Eight Tales of the Paranormal.

In her own words she is:

Angela Roquet is a great big weirdo.

She collects Danger Girl comic books, owls, skulls, & random craft supplies. She has an unhealthy obsession with television shows created by Joss Whedon & fantasizes about him directing television/film versions of her novels. Angela’s favorite book/movie is The Wizard of Oz. She likes a little coffee in her cream, & her favorite food is sushi.

Angela is a peace loving, tree hugging hippy who tries to buy organic & local as often as possible. She’s a fan of renewable energy sources, marriage equality, & religious tolerance. As long as whatever you’re doing isn’t hurting anyone, she’s a fan of you, too. Angela lives in Sedalia, Missouri with her husband & son. When she’s not swearing at the keyboard, she enjoys painting, goofing off with her family & friends, & reading books that raise eyebrows. You can find Angela online at

And now her answers to my questions:

1) The first horror book you read was…?

That’s a tough one. It was definitely one of R. L. Stein’s Goosebumps novels. I read a TON of those as a kid.

2) You discovered you were quite good at writing horror/paranormal/urban fantasy when…?

My Lana Harvey series was originally a short story, written spur of the moment for a contest. I had a good friend tell me that it was an awful short story… but an excellent introduction to a series. I had written horror and urban fantasy before, but that was really the moment I felt like I might actually be good at this.

3) As a reader, your favorite horror book is…?

I have to pick one??? Wow. Yeah. Hmmm. I’m going to go with Laurell K. Hamilton’s Anita Blake series. I can’t just single out one book in particular, but the first one of the series “Guilty Pleasures” definitely hooked me. Hamilton really encompasses a lot of different genres, but she has mastered horror for sure. That was on of the first Urban Fantasy series I picked up in college, and so began my quest for more!

4) What scares you…?

I’m not afraid of much. I don’t mind heights, I’ve had a pet ball python, and I have a tattoo of a spider on the back of my neck. I am a bit of a germaphobe though, so there’s that. lol

5) You usually write…?

GSnewcoverUrban Fantasy is a pretty catchall term for what I write. My Lana Harvey series is my ongoing project, but I also have a YA zombie novel out now titled “Crazy Ex-Ghoulfriend.”

6) What’s next…?

I’m currently in the middle of promoting “Crazy Ex-Ghoulfriend.” I’ve organized a zombie themed prom in my hometown, which we’re calling the Prombie Apocalypse. So that’s been a lot of work, but it’s also been a lot of fun! My fourth Lana novel “Psychopomp” will be out in February 2014, and I’m working on another standalone title “Backwoods Armageddon” with my husband. In May, we’ll be presenting a marketing panel at the annual RT Booklovers Convention in New Orleans. I’m pretty good at biting off more than I can chew, but after the chaos wears off, I have no regrets. My writing career has been very rewarding.

Thanks for the interview! I’m really excited about our anthology, and I hope to work with you on more joint projects in the future!

Thank you, Angela! And likewise!

And finally, remember, for the chance to win awesome gifts, enter the Off the Beaten Path Giveaway!

Angela Roquet

Friday Snippet #51

autunno in Umbria banner resized

Right in the middle of Off the Beaten Path Giveaway, I’ve taken a break from the guest posts to enjoy a beautiful autumnal afternoon. Around the ridge, trees are reddening and orange leaves are falling. The air is crisp and the sky is terse.

Gaia is in the hands of the second and final proofreader. Elios and Marie’s Journey are both being edited. Gaia’s cover is almost done as well. For the first time after months, I don’t even remember how long it has passed since last time it happened, I am writing something new. Well, Notturno it’s one of those projects I started one year ago, but I never finished it, therefore it counts as new to me.

From Notturno, a NA fanstasy novel:

Dalia found the three of them more and more revolting as minutes passed. She shrank to the farthest corner of the cage, hoping they would leave her inside and never come close enough to touch her.

The woman who was now staring at her with unblinking black eyes, held a malevolent expression on her wrinkled face. She shook her head in mock disappointment. “By the end of your staying here with us, you’ll wish the mercs kept you.”

Dalia would have told her she was already of the same opinion, but she closed her mouth tight. Her new captors didn’t seem sound of mind, and she was already of the impression that anything she’d say or do would trigger their bad tempers. She shivered under the woman’s scrutiny.

“What are we going to do with you?” The woman stepped back and tilted her head one side and then the other.

“Let her work for us.” Dant joined her, and they stood side by side, looking at Dalia.

Lars walked close by and then passed them, heading straight to the cage. “That’s a great idea, methink.”

Dant seemed to think about it for a moment, and then smashed his open palm with a fisted hand. “She could work in my bedchamber.”

Dalia was now uncontrollably shaking.

“Yes! Can she work in my bedchamber too, Catal?” Lars took the woman’s hands in his and jumped up and down, like an overgrown child.

The woman, Catal, slowly shook her head, the beads at the end of her tresses noisily clinking against each other. “You never take care of things. What if you break this one? She looks too scrawny.”

“We’ll take good care of her. We’ll even walk her outside—” Dant’s hands slid up to the woman’s elbows.

Catal forcefully loosened his hold on her arms. “She is a nocturnal. Remember?”

Friday Snippet #51

Jason T. Graves

The week is still young and there is lots of time to enter a great giveaway sponsored by Jason Picawesome indies. Let’s meet and greet another one of the aforementioned awesome seven:

Jason T. Graves is the creative mind behind the horror anthology Off the Beaten Path: Eight Tales of the Paranormal.

This is what he has to say about himself:

Jason T. Graves lives in North Carolina with his family and a menagerie of small, domestic animals. He takes his coffee black, and, when he is not conducting mysterious, mad-scientist experiments with his students, he writes mysterious and beautiful fiction.

Many years ago, he was punched, only once and very lightly, by Muhammad Ali.

Jason, whose blog has an awesome name, is the author of several paranormal and urban fantasy novels.

Blood Roses (The Noctivagas Chronicle)

Vampires aren’t real… right? If they were, Madeline and Marissa Owen would certainly be suspects: bone-white and night-loving—with a proclivity for super-rare steaks—the identical twins are poster-girls for the undead.
As if looking like teen-aged vampires didn’t cause enough drama, trouble erupts into their lives following a disastrous street fight and a brush with the law by Madeline’s sister. The girls are forced to move from the diverse city of Austin, Texas to the quaint township of Tobyhanna, Pennsylvania—a move clearly designed to bore the aggressive, MMA fighter Marissa into an early grave. However, their new lives prove to be anything but boring, as a series of shocking upheavals, unearthed lies, and outright dangers keep them thinking… and running for their lives. Ancient books, coded manuscripts, and evil enemies emerge, challenging the unique skills and inner-strengths of the girls—but can even all of this chaos prepare them for the arrival of real vampires?
Facing threats from multiple quarters, the girls must rely on each other to keep ahead of the rising storm … or be swept away by it.

Morning Stars (Book Two of The Noctivagas Chonicle)

Vampires are real, as Marissa is delighted to discover, until she finds that drinking blood isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. And so it goes … Madeline uncovers new mysteries and makes new friends, while Marissa makes a mess of her life and doesn’t stop to wonder what’s going wrong. Two “normal” teenage identical twin girls are learning of and coming to terms with their destiny, their powers and their calling.

On the Bridge: the Complete Gretchen Thyrd Novella

Gretchen Thyrd stands on the threshold: of adulthood, of independence, of love, of madness…
Gretchen is definitely not an average teenage girl. A free-spirited orphan with two foster moms, she spends many of her days rescuing and nurturing injured birds and animals, including some that are a bit otherworldly. Her pleasant life is turned upside down when a friendly ‘tree spirit’ faces a life-threatening crisis–a crisis that requires a potentially sacrificial commitment from Gretchen. Soon afterwards, she is visited by a mysterious and seriously ugly childman and three bone-white and beautiful vampire wannabes decked out in black leather and deadly attitude.
Whom should she trust? As the net of their conflicting interests constricts around her, she is unexpectedly plucked from their grasp by a man whose intentions may be the darkest of them all. In the end, she finds herself running from everything she has ever known, into an uncertain future, bearing the fate of her beloved ‘tree spirit,’ as well as her own survival, by the thinnest of threads.

For a chance to win awesome gifts, enter the Off the Beaten Path Giveaway

Jason T. Graves