
My name is Monica La Porta. I was born in Rome, 41 years ago, and I have been living in the green Pacific Northwest for the last ten. I am married (my husband is strongly encouraging me to write how lucky I am, and how great he is), I have two kids (they are not encouraging me, strongly or otherwise,ย to do anything since they are teenagers, and therefore I am a constant source of embarrassment for them), I also have two beagles (they are currently barking in the backyard. I am not sure if it means something else other than the fact that the rabbits are back). When I am not busy with the aforementioned group of bypeds and quadrupeds, I like to write, read, paint, sculpt, walk, and cook.

February 2012

From September 2010, so many things have changed and so many things have remained the same. Bruno, our beloved beagle, is not with us anymore. Talking about it is still painful. Our oldest kid has graduated from high school and is now in college. That happened almost overnight, or so it seemed. Iโ€™ve finally realized my dream of publishing a novel and Iโ€™m quite happy about that. Iโ€™m still painting, modeling with cold porcelain, reading, and writing about anything I fancy. That hasnโ€™t changed. ย For the rest, who knows what the future has in store for us?

April 2016

I’ve just realized that I haven’t stopped by my “about” in a while. So many things have changed. Sixteen books published later, I can still say I love writing. Many people dear to me have transitioned to the alternate universe where they are living their happily ever after. Nero is still walking by my side and we are still enjoying the Great Pacific Northwest. Love you all.OV9A6288-GIOVE



21 thoughts on “About

  1. kevin davidson says:

    Monica, hello from a fellow writer. Just finished The Lost Centurion…NICELY done!. Enjoy your art work (I do) it’s also one of my keys to sanity. Chow.

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