Friday Drawing #1

Okay, it should be Monday Drawing #18, but I’m working hard on my novels and time flies without my consent. Recently, Fresh Paint announced a new feature, watercolors! Only available for windows 8.1 preview users, I seized my hubby’s laptop and had my sweet way with the new app. This is the result of several hours of great delight.

Poppies in the Sky


Friday Drawing #1

Friday Snippet #48 and Monday Drawing #17

InfiorataSunny. Sunny. Sunny. That’s it. Enough reasons to put together my resurrected Monday Drawing ad the Friday Snippet in the same post. My tan allows me special powers. Also this is my blog.

Nothing to add on the rewriting/editing front. Same as last week.

From Elios, which is slowly taking shape:

Areel paused a moment and lowered his head. “Soon, we’ll be reunited.”

I nodded. “Yes, very soon.”

“You’ll see, you’ll feel better once you’re home.”



“I can’t help but wonder about the softness of her skin and the pleasure we would have experienced with the briefest sharing of our thoughts.”

Areel gasped and for a moment his image faltered. “But you haven’t attempted a Share with her? You told me you hadn’t—”

“I’m the epitome of the perfect Observer.” I looked at him and shrugged. “Never touched her. Never kissed her.”

“Good. That’s good. Because you know what would have happened to her if you had.”

I raised one hand to stop him from spelling it out for me. Every Observer knew the rules and I didn’t want to talk about scraping her mind clean of my memories.

But Areel keep talking. “She could lose her mind through the process.”

“I know.” The procedure was the equivalent of a sophisticated lobotomy.

“You know the exposure to us changes the subject’s DNA—”

“I remember.”

“Then you also remember that the subject transfers Solean DNA in their genes and passes the memories of us to the next generation, and then the next, changing both their history and ours.”

“I remember!” I finally shouted, but Areel wasn’t done yet.

“There are too many implications in having a superior knowledge way ahead of time. Especially for a violent society like the humans.”

I was furious with him, but I composed my voice and repeated, “I did not touch her.”

“I trust you.” He sounded apologetic and before I could ask what was all that about, he whispered, “It makes everything easier.”

Friday Snippet #48 and Monday Drawing #17

Monday Drawings #16

Monday drawings is back. At least for this week. After I finished the illustrations for The Prince’s Day Out, I’ve become lazy about posting my drawings and paintings regularly. Today’s offering is another Fresh Paint psychedelic, insomnia induced landscape.

Waiting for the Right Light

Waiting for the Right Light resized smaller

Monday Drawings #16

Monday Drawing #15

Today’s Painter’s drawing is yesterday’s didl, which in turn was my personal take on a picture I saw on facebook. Can’t we always be that original, can we?

Moonlight Enchantment

Moonlight Enchantment



Monday Drawing #15

Monday and Tuesday Drawings

One day late, but I’ll make up for it with three didls. After trying didlr on any device we have in the house, I finally draw something on my iPad. Somehow, the experience is different from what I expected. Not sure how is different, but I still had fun in the process.

Spring Fling

Spring Fling

Have a Fantastic Day

Have a Fantastic Day

Need a Sundress

Need a Sundress

Monday and Tuesday Drawings

Monday Drawings #12

Today, at 4:57 am, there was the first “Buh!” It was followed by a second “Buh!” and then by a string of swearwords in Italian. By 5:58, I had already consumed two espressos, but remembered I’m a lady. 8:15, I have posted a didl and even finished my first drawing with Painter. Definitely a great painting software. In case you are wondering, Nero is on the couch, blissfully sleeping the sleep of the content beagles.

Autunno Paint.Net

Monday Drawings #12

Monday Drawing #11

This peacefully blue, albeit nonsensical piece will be the last one for a while. Nanowrimo is just around the corner, I’m still working with my editor on Prince of War, and I should also be finishing the drawings for the kids book. Between writing, editing, and hopefully drawing nothing else will be accomplished. Meanwhile, Nero managed to jump on the kitchen counter and ate the dental treats we put in a plastic bag… Have a great Monday, everybody.

Sunday Blues

Monday Drawing #11